Monday 7 June 2010

Food Galore at St. Vaast

From a recent cross-channel sail, here are some samples of the food galore at St. Vaast-la-Hougue on the coast in Northern France. For more about our trip to St. Vaast click here for the full article.

Devine croissants and truly brilliant brioche.
The cafe we visited did not serve food for breakfast but recommended a boulangerie nearby. After a quick detour and armed with still warm croissants and brioche, we returned to the cafe for a cup of coffee.

Here is a mobile wood burning oven at the start of the market. Legs of pork and lamb were gently roasting on the top shelves with chicken and sausages on the bottom shelf. The aroma was amazing!

Nearby was a stall selling horse meat. I unknowingly ate this once and it was delicious. The meat looks amazing but as a former horse owner, I'm a bit reluctant to buy some.

Beautiful fresh white cauliflowers picked that morning from the fields.

Various duck products: pates, confits and a type of foie gras.

A wide variety of soups including lobster bisque, crab bisque, langoustine bisgue, seafood soup or bouillabaise, mushroom, chicken and celery.


Mary Bergfeld said...

This is my first visit to your blog and I've spent some time here reading about your adventure. I'm a bit envious. Your photos are almost - almost - as good as being there. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Julie said...

Hi Mary

Thanks for your comment. I'm pleased to hear you enjoyed the photos!

All the best